domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Tips for hiring a moving company

  • Request a quote in writing to several companies in order to compare prices, forms of transportation and delivery conditions, among other aspects. The budget can be very useful in case we have to file a claim.
  • Indicate the type of goods to be transported, specifying their characteristics: weight, volume, accessibility to the dwellings - making reference to the height of the floor, if you have an elevator, etc. -.
  • Carry out an inventory in which each box or package has its contents identified by a number or key.
  • Find out not only prices, but also the quality of the service and the degree of commitment of the company. Be wary of those who do not have a known home quality and good service are usually made pay.
  • Find out that the moving company has relocation insurance to be able to claim compensation if your furniture or belongings are damaged.
  • Check for the type of truck used by the company (how big, if it is open or closed), how to pack and transfer all the elements such as the most delicate, dismantling furniture, clothing, etc.
  • It is good to be attentive and present in the tasks of loading and unloading our belongings to observe if there is an incident with our things when it is time to put them in a truck.

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